
Featured News



[wtn_news layout='grid' category='sports' display=3 pagination=1 title_length=6 desc_length=13 pagination=0 column=3]

WP Top News - External

Display Grid view - CNN

[wp_top_news display=6 column=1]
To display grid layout, use the below shortocde:
[wp_top_news layout='grid' category='news' source='cnn' display=6]

Display List view - BBC

[wp_top_news layout='list' category='news' display=7 desc_length=12 description='hide' source=' bbc-news']
To display list layout, use the below shortocde:
[wp_top_news layout='list' category='news' display=5 desc_length=12 source='bbc-news']

Display News from Country - USA

[wp_top_news category='country' country='us' display=3]
To display news from USA, use the below shortocde:
[wp_top_news layout='grid' category='country' country='us' display=6]

Display News from Country - France

[wp_top_news category='country' country='fr' display=3 column=3]
To display news from France​, use the below shortocde:
[wp_top_news layout='grid' category='country' country='fr' display=6]